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21 Apr 2016 When you first create a new Ubuntu 16.04 server, there are a few configuration steps that you should take early on as part of the basic setup. You will also need the password or, if you installed an SSH key for authentication, the private key for the "root" user's account.
9 Jan 2014 UPDATED (June 30th, 2015) - Notes and step-by-step tutorial to configure and secure Ubuntu VPS covering SSH, ufw, sysctl, nginx, node.js, ruby (rbenv
4 May 2017 We'll set up, configure and secure your server for free. Connect to your VPS. This may seem obvious, but before you can do anything, you must connect to your VPS. Update your server. Secure your server. Backup your server. Set up monitoring. Use a control panel (optional) Set up a mail server. Install an (S)FTP server.
In this tutorial we will cover how to login as root, create an alternate user for day-to-day use, disable root login and how to login as an alternate (non-root) user, then escalate to root. As mentioned, logging in is the first step to getting started with your Ubuntu 14.04 VPS. Initially the only account is the root account. If you are
10 Oct 2017 This guide will help you sign up for an account, set up a Linux distribution, boot your Linode, and perform some basic system administration tasks. Ubuntu is the most popular distribution among Linode customers and one of the most well-supported by online communities, so resolving any issues you may
29 Aug 2016 So you worked hard to build your Laravel 5.3 (or any version 5) application and now its time to deploy to the internet so you can share your hard work with everyone. In this tutorial we will learn to set up Laravel onto a virtual private server (VPS) using what is called a LEMP stack. LEMP is an acronym that
27 Oct 2017 This guide covers basic best practices for securing a production server, including setting up user accounts, configuring a firewall, securing SSH, and disabling unused In the Getting Started guide, you learned how to deploy a Linux distribution, boot your Linode and perform basic administrative tasks.
8 May 2008 Introduction. This guide documents my experience of purchasing a VPS hosting package at A2 Hosting, setting up a fresh Ubuntu server installation, and configuring several typical applications such as Apache, MySQL, PHP via FastCGI, and Ruby on Rails via Mongrel. I have been a very happy customer of

17 Apr 2014 When you first create a new Ubuntu 14.04 server, there are a few configuration steps that you should take early on as part of the basic setup. To log into your server, you will need to know your server's public IP address and the password for the "root" user's account.
